Little Step No. 49

Step No.49


What to do:

Check out The Clean Fifteen.



Why this step works:

Way back in Little Step no 19 I wrote about The Dirty Dozen – an annual list produced by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) that ranks the 12 most pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables.  Whilst there's some limitations of this list (it's based on testing US produce samples) I still think it's a useful starting point to help you decide which foods to prioritise getting organic.

The same group produce another list called The Clean Fifteen, and as you can well imagine from the title, these are the 15 fruits and vegetables they found to be the least pesticide-laden, from all the produce samples they tested.

The Clean Fifteen (EWG 2021)

1. Avocados

2. Sweetcorn

3. Pineapple

4. Onions

5. Papaya

6. Frozen peas

7. Aubergine

8. Asparagus

9. Broccoli

10. Cabbage

11. Kiwi

12. Cauliflower

13. Mushrooms

14. Honeydew melon

15. Cantaloupe melon

So why check out The Clean Fifteen?

I firmly believe eating organic food is one of the most valuable actions you can take to support your health.  I’m fully aware however that in the real world, factors such as cost, convenience and availability can get in the way.  And that’s where these lists come in handy.  If you're ready to start adding some organic fruits and vegetables to your trolley but haven't a clue where to begin, these lists are an easy to understand and useful starting point.  In the simplest terms, they can help to guide where your money is best spent. For example, you'll see that avocados are top of The Clean Fifteen list (above) which means you can be less concerned about buying organic.  In contrast, strawberries are consistently top of The Dirty Dozen List so it's definitely worth paying extra to get these organic wherever you can. 

If you're interested in learning more about the differences between organic and non-organic food, this overview from Riverford Organic is a great place to start.

One little list, another little step that has the potential to significantly improve your health, have a lovely weekend x

Source: Environmental Working Group Clean Fifteen